Internship/ project work for Exchange Students (incoming - master level) (TNU500)

An internship/ project work is a supervised practical training, where the student obtains practical work experience and enhanced understanding of how theoretical competence acquired can be put to practical use. The internship is within the relevant study program of the student and offers the possibility of "learning by doing". The students will acquire new knowledge through reflexive assessment of their own work. Internship/project work is defined in agreement with a supervisor at UiS,and will address challenging scientific research and development problems.

Course description for study year 2024-2025. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start

Spring, Autumn

Number of semesters


Exam semester

Spring, Autumn

Language of instruction



The student will participate in the daily work at the internship institution but receives no pay. It is emphasised that the internship/ project work, as a university course, is a learning opportunity. Interns are not to "take" work from the ordinary staff. The internship work may involve, for example, collecting information, analysing and/or presenting existing information, or taking part in research projects. Please note that each student are only granted one internship.

Learning outcome

Knowledge and understanding

Have knowledge and understanding within relevant fields included in the internship/ project work, including the scientific basis of the fields and applicable methods. The learning outcome should be in accordance with the educational stage (bachelor or master) of the student.

After completing the course the student will have experience from (knowledge and skills):

  • working individually on a challenging scientific research or development problem
  • planning and conducting an R&D project
  • seeking and assessing work in a field relevant to the project
  • developing and assessing alternative solutions to the problem
  • documenting the results in a scientific report

Competences and skills

Have ability to apply theories and models within the fields the internship/ project includes. Have ability to independently and together with others identify, formulate and solve problems and to complete tasks within a given period. Present and discuss issues and situations in dialogue with different groups. Ability to work independently in the fields the course relates to.

Required prerequisite knowledge

Minimum 60 ECTS in relevant fields of study within engineering and /or natural sciences


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Report 1/1 Passed / Not Passed

The assessment of the course consists of a report that counts 100% of the final grade. Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Students that fail the report may re-present it within one week.

Course teacher(s)

Contact person:

John Petter Nygaard

Course coordinator:

Aksel Hiorth

Method of work

Active participation is required. The student should work full time with qualified tasks and participate continuously in the daily work. In order to pass the course the student must submit a 10-15 page report before the end of the internship period, or at a date agreed with the supervisor. The report shall comprise two parts. The first part shall contain a detailed description of the work tasks the student performed during the internship. In the second part, the student shall discuss whether some of the theories and perspectives of which the student acquired knowledge during the program proved to be of practical use to you in his/her field of study, and how. The two parts need not be equal in length.

Open for

Admission to the internship-course is open for exchange students at the Faculty of Science and Technology from partner universities based on available internships. The student must establish contact with the relevant department, research centre / lab for an internship agreement. Once your agreement is recognised, the administration will sign up the student for the course.

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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