Education and research at the Faculty of Social Sciences is diverse, and includes hotel and tourism management, media studies, sociology, social sciences, gender studies, management, psychology and social studies.
About the faculty
The faculty is divided into three departments, a research center and a research network, in addition to the faculty administration. Dean Kolbjørn Kallesten Brønnick leads the faculty.

The faculty offers nine bachelor's programs, one one - year studies and seven master's programs, as well as postgraduate education.
The faculty conducts teaching and research within the disciplines of management, sociology, political science, media and journalism, social studies, psychology, hotel and tourism management, change management, and social work. The faculty stands out in its combination of academic disciplines and professional training programmes, and through its interdisciplinary approach.
The Faculty of Social Sciences is divided into three departments:
- Department of Media and Social Sciences
- Department of Social Studies
- NHS – Department of Leadership and Service Innovation
In addition, the research center Center for Gender Studies, The Cognitive Lab and the research network Network for Welfare Research are affiliated with the faculty.
Want to become a student? You will find an overview of study opportunities here.
Contact the faculty
The management and administration of the Social Sciences faculty are located in the Ellen og Axel Lund building (link to map), in the middle of the Ullandhaug campus. Switchboard: (+47) 51 83 15 00
Research centres
Through their research, the scientific staff at the Faculty of Social Sciences contribute to a better understanding of social conditions today and in the future.

The research environments at the faculty are in particular doing research on topics within welfare and society, environmental responsibility and sustainable development, responsible leadership, and service innovation. Several of the research areas are interdisciplinary oriented. Some of the research at the faculty is carried out in collaboration with the public sector, private businesses and civil society.
Through critical and independent research, the faculty contributes to solving societal challenges. The research at the faculty contributes to the knowledge base needed by the working life and the public sector, but also raises critical questions regarding established knowledge structures and institutionalized truths.
You can read more about the various research projects associated with the faculty on the different department pages:
Forskargrupper og programområdar

Here you can find an overview of journals and books edited by faculty members.
Study programmes
The Faculty of Social Sciences offers a number of studies that deal with the interaction between people, society, systems and institutions. We research in subject areas such as welfare, sustainable development, culture, responsible leadership and the media.

Find an overview of all study opportunities at the university for English speaking students.
The faculty management
The faculty is led by Dean Kolbjørn Kallesten Brønnick and Faculty Director Lone Litlehamar. Helle Sjøvaag and Jone Ravndal Bjørnestad are Vice Deans for research and education.
More from the faculty
Launch of a new book: Meeting the Inclusion Challenge in Innovation – Giving Voice to Users
The book Meeting the Inclusion Challenge in Innovation – Giving Voice to Users was presented by some of the authors at t...
Eight million for research project on populism in the Nordic region
In February, the Research Council of Norway announced funding for research projects for young talents. The upper funding...
Lykketreff - a meeting between students and businesses
Master's students at the Department of Media and Social Sciences have the opportunity to do an internship through an ele...
Kaleidoscope - a successful festival from the SV faculty
The SV Faculty organised Kaleidoscope for the first time this week. A great festival day with good content at Sølvberget...
Education, Work and Social Cohesion (EduWorkSoCo)
Activities within the research group EduWorkSoCo exhibit a thematic coherence centered around the following three perspe...
The future of responsible tourism brings together Nordic experts
The Responsible Tourism online seminar week (18th-22nd March 2024) organized in Nordic cooperation deals with current to...
Kaleidoskop - a festival from The Faculty of Social Sciences
Kaleidoskop is a festival that focuses on important events, life changes and critical perspectives. By presenting differ...
Incel norms and masculinity (INCELNOR-MA)
Radicalization of Gender and Anti-democracy: the Case of Incels in Nordic-Europe. INCELNOR-MA aims to generate and share...
Will study children's cognitive functioning with low-magnetic MRI machine
A portable, low-magnetic MRI machine gives researchers an indication of whether a child is going to follow typical or at...
National Conference in Political Science
Welcome to the annual National Conference in Political Science at the Department of Media and Social Science at the Univ...
Safety and Resilience Through Digital Technologies (SaRe-DiGT)
Safety and Resilience Through Digital Technologies: A Participatory Study with Women at the Intersection of Gender-Based...
The conference Gender Studies Now 2023
The conference Gender Studies Now 2023 is hosted by the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Stavanger, 1 - 2 ...
Intensive kickoff for master’s students to break ice and form friendships
The Norwegian Hotel School’s master’s students were welcomed to UiS with a three-day kickoff at Viste Strand Hotel.
Research group in Interactionist Cultural Sociology
Cultural sociology studies the repertoires of meaning and interpretation that people deploy when they navigate everyday ...
Visit from Cuba to enhance internationalization
A delegation from The University of Havana visited UiS to discuss Norwegian/Cuban conference and how to increase the num...
Rune Todnem By appointed Professor of Leadership at the Norwegian School of Hotel Management
After 15 years at British universities followed by two years at the UiS Business School, Rune Todnem By joins the establ...
Students suggest new public transport solutions
As part of the very first ECIU University pilot, students Arne Kragseth and Elisabeth Stene came up with a triple soluti...
UNESCO Chair on Leadership, Innovation and Anticipation
The UNESCO Chair is a collaboration between The University of Stavanger and the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovati...
Cuban and Nordic Welfare
The project shall improve the quality and internationalization of education in social work and sociology at the partner ...
The Faculty Administration
The Faculty administration plays an advisory role, and is responsible for overall administration and procedures.
The Faculty Board
The Faculty Board is responsible for determining overall goals, priorities and strategies for the faculty.
This entails, among other things, determining study programmes, submitting proposals to the university board, as well as defining areas for strategic initiatives within research and public relations.
The Faculty Board has 9 members. The Board consists of academic and administrative employees, students and external members.
The Faculty Board 2021-2025
Permanent members
- Ingebjørg S. Folgerø, (leader), Brødrene Kverneland
- Håvard Haarstad, professor and leader, Senter for klima og energiomstilling, UiB
- Hulda Mjøll Gunnarsdottir, associate professor, UiS
- Anders Vassenden, professor, UiS
- Tone Therese Linge, associate professor, UiS.
- Tore Tjora, associate professor, UiS
- Kristine Gilje, adviser, UiS.
- Hanne Fazeli, student
- Aleksa Radman, student
Vice members
- Merete Prytz Haftorsen, county director NAV. First substitute external.
- Frank Lindberg, professor in marketing, Nord Universitet. Second substitute external.
- Ann-Karin Tennås Holmen, associate professor, UiS. Substitute academic staff UiS.
- Oddvar Norland, adviser adm, UiS. Second substitute tech/adm staff UiS
- Victor Eduardo Dahl, student
- King Hok Yeung, student
From the faculty administration
- Kolbjørn Kallesten Brønnick, dean
- Ole Madsen, fakulty director