The Learning Support Center offers individual guidance to students at UiS who have dyslexia and/or ADHD.
What can the Learning Support Center help you with?
We offer help with:
• application for special exam arrangements (requires documentation)
• application regarding extension of submission date for home-exam, bachelor’s or master’s thesis (requires documentation)
• application to NAV for Lingdys reading and writing tool (requires documentation of reading and writing difficulties from a professional)
• application to Lånekassen for additional grant due to reduced functional ability (requires documentation of dyslexia)
• how to use Tibi
• how to use Lingdys
• assistive technology
Do you have dyslexia or ADHD and need assistance? Contact us.
Note: Avoid sending sensitive information by email.
Do you need guidance with a writing assignment, time management or improving your study technique? You can book an appointment or come for drop-in slot at the Study Lab. You will receive guidance from the Study Lab or LSS, as we collaborate on providing this support to students.
Would you like guidance? Contact the Study Lab:
What are the rights of students with learning disabilities?
If you have a disability or a health problem that entails significant inconvenience during an exam, you may apply for special examination arrangements. You may also apply for bilingual dictionary if Norwegian is not your mother tongue.
You can apply for extended time on home exams, your bachelor’s or master’s thesis and other assignments.
Tibi lends out audio books and e-books. Anyone who has difficulties reading printed text due to disability or illness may join Tibi. The service is free.
The reading and writing tool Lingdys is designed to help people who have dyslexia or other forms of reading and writing difficulties. The combination of spell checking, dictionaries, word completion, screen reader and artificial speech allows the program to provide comprehensive and effective help with both reading and writing in Norwegian and English.
The additional grant for applicants with reduced functional ability is intended for applicants who are capable of studying, but due to reduced functional ability, use so much time and energy on their studies, that they cannot engage in paid employment while also studying, without this affecting their normal educational progress.
Privacy policy for the Learning Support Center
The Learning Support Center processes personal data in order to advise students who have special needs, provide assistance with applications and test for reading and writing difficulties.
Questions about the Learning Support Center? Contact us:
Contact us if you have questions or to book an appointment.
Note: Avoid sending sensitive information by email.