Our vision
The vision of the NCS2030 is to be the scientific and technology driver to facilitate an energy-efficient, multi-purpose utilization of the subsurface into a “Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain” to reach the net-zero-emission goals.
Four main research areas are identified: Subsurface energy systems, net-zero emission production, digitalization, and society. Transitioning the NCS into the future Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain requires a new way of thinking across disciplines. Increased understanding of the subsurface for hydrogen and CO2 storage, geothermal energy, in addition to efficient hydrocarbon production, are elements that the centre will focus on to achieve the goal.
PDE Solutions with Scientific Machine Learning
Jassem Abbasi, associated PhD student of NCS2030, recently arranged a workshop in Brazil.

The Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) for Solving PDEs workshop, led by PhD Candidate Jassem Abbasi from the University of Stavanger, took place at the University of Campinas, Brazil. It was part of the INTPART project, supported by NCS2030, and focused on applying modern machine learning techniques to solve scientific/engineering problems, in specific, Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with applications in fluid dynamics and porous media flow.
The workshop offered participants a blend of foundational knowledge and practical applications. Day one introduced participants to the basics of SciML, highlighting its advantages over traditional numerical methods and diving into Physics-Informed Machine Learning (PIML). These sessions emphasized the potential of SciML in addressing challenges associated with PDEs, with a strong focus on inverse problems (data assimilation or history-matching applications).
On day two, participants engaged in hands-on sessions, using tools like Google Colab to implement some of the most recognized approaches in SciML (Physics informed neural networks, and neural operators) for various problems, including the modeling of two-phase flow in porous media. These exercises provided practical insights and demonstrated the capability (and some challenges) of SciML in solving physical problems efficiently.
Annual reports
Webinar series
A monthly webinar will be arranged to highlight the centre, activities, and research.

The dates for the spring series will be announced shortly.
Work packages
Meet our PhD candidates
Master degrees related to NCS2030
In this section you will find links to all published master degrees from the centre.

Deniz Seyfeli: «Lithological Heterogeneities in the Zechstein Group: Compressed Air Energy Storage Opportunities in Salt Caverns»
Thashila Nawanjana Wickrama Arachchilage: «Surfactant-based Smart Water enhanced oil recovery in carbonate rocks»
Alfred Obo: «Enhanced oil recovery potential by carbonated water injection in Bentheimer sandstones»
Gustav Kvitvær: «Low-temperature carbonated water injection for enhanced oil recovery in chalk»
Emilie Alsaker Mathiesen: «Energy system modelling of offshore wind and power from shore integration into the Norwegian continental shelf: An analysis of potential decarbonization pathway scenarios towards 2050»
Nicolas Mauricio Galindo López: «Improvement of volumetric sweep efficiency during oil production using ECO-clay»
John Emeka Udegbunam & Reynel Isaac Villabona Gonzalez: «Federated Computational Workflow for Analysis of DISKOS Digital Palynological Slides»
Curtis Boateng: «Caprock Integrity Assessment of Geological Storage of Hydrogen in Porous Media»
Muhammad Tayyab Hamid: «Well Design for Safe Fluid Injection in Geo-Sequestration Sites»
Edgar Ricardo Del Pino Bullon: «Seismic Forward Modeling of internally layered and structured salt diapirs»
Aikaterini Kourtoglou & Housean Osead Buny: «Geological Evaluation of CO2 storage in depleted oilfields»
Solmøy Austbø & Paul Okoh: «Geothermal potential on the Trøndelag Platform, Norwegian North Sea»
Håvard Skipevåg & Olarewaju Samuel Balogun: «Tectono-sedimentary characteristics and basin modeling»
Associated & spin-off projects
The author(s) acknowledge the Research Council of Norway and the industry partners of NCS2030 – RCN project number 331644 – for their support.
Project code: When you register results and dissemination in the CRIStin database related to the NCS2030 centre, please make sure to use project code 331644 and source RCN (Forskningsrådet).
Funding statement (when required): This work is funded by NCS2030, RCN#331644, a national research centre financed by the Research council of Norway, the industry sponsors, and the academic partners.
Acknowledgment for associative or collaborating projects: The author(s) acknowledge(s) the support of and collaboration with the research centre NCS2030 (RCN project number 331644).
How do we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals?
Affordable and clean energy, climate action and education are important contributions from NCS2030.

NCS2030 contributes to several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) including SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) by building new competence and research solutions for the Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain, SDG 13 (climate action) by providing solutions for a NZE society by 2050; SDG 4 (education) by educating the new generation of professionals for the energy transition; and also SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth); SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure) by building competence for new business opportunities; SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) by providing solutions for low-emission and effective utilization of the subsurface; SDG 14 (life below water) by safe subsurface storage of CO2/H2 and reduced water discharge to sea; and SDG 5 (gender equality) by setting the ambitious goal that at least 40% of center staff will be female.
Management team
NCS2030 theses
Proposed master's thesis projects related to the National Centre for Sustainable Subsurface Utilization of the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Our partners
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