ORCID – get a unique resarcher-ID

Have you as a researcher been asked to enter ORCID? This page helps you find out what it is and why you should use it.

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What is ORCID?

ORCID is a unique researcher-ID associated with your research activity.

ORCID logo

If you enter ORCID when you submit manuscripts or applications it is easier to identify which research is yours. Your ORCID stays with you throughout your research career, even if you change your name, job, institution or move abroad.

Using only names as identifiers in research contexts is not always unproblematic. Many persons have the same or a similar name. If everyone has an ORCID, Ole Olsen (Olsen, O) avoids being mixed with Oda Olsen (Olsen, O). ORCID makes it easier for you to change your name, job or institution. Your research is registered on your ORCID regardless of such changes.

Many databases containing scientific literature use ORCID. These databases can be used for calculating your h-index, among other things. That's why it is so useful to have an ORCID, as there will be no questions about whether it is your work that is included in the calculation. All citations are registered to you and you get the recognition you deserve even if the publishers have not spelled your name the same (Husøy, Husoy, Husoey).

You can get your ORCID for free here: www.orcid.org.
ORCID is a nonprofit organization supported by publishers, universities and granting organizations worldwide. 

  • ORCID has a register of unique identifiers used to connect the researcher and their activity.
  • ORCID creates APIs that are used to connect various databases and archives.

Questions about ORCID? Contact:

What is ORCID?