COTech 2023 Conference

Thursday 30 November 09:00 - Friday 1 December 16:00,
University of Stavanger.

The International Conference on Computational Methods & Ocean Technology (COTech) is hosted by University of Stavanger.

Published Updated on
Information & deadlines
Registration for accepted articles

October 20

Abstract submission

July 31

Registration of other participants

November 25

Submission of full manuscript

September 15


Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science at University of Stavanger (UiS) is organizing the 4th COTech conference in Stavanger.

Gruppebilde fra COTech 2021.
From COTech 2021.

Chair of COTech 2023 is Prof. Hirpa G. Lemu.

The COTech conference was first organized as part of the research and dissemination activities of the Program Area for Research "COTech - Computational methods in Offshore Technology" at Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger (UiS) in 2017.

The aim of this conference is to provide a platform for academics and professionals working within Computational Methods, Ocean Technology and related fields to come together, present their recent works in the area, exchange ideas, and establish professional networks. It will serve as a forum for multidisciplinary research and brings together Norwegian and invited foreign researchers to enable them to exchange their research experience and disseminate their results within the field.

More information is available here.

Registration will be open until November 10.

The conference fee for each article is 250 €. It covers publishing an article online, two lunches and one conference dinner. Participants who register for more than one article pay 150 € for each additional article. The fee for virtual presentation of accepted articles is 150 € and covers publication fee and other administrative costs. Participation without papers is free of charge. However, those who participate on lunch, excursion and dinner should register and pay (more information here).

Register here!

See programme.


The conference will be held in Kjølv Egelands Building in the University of Stavanger, Norway. Address at UiS: Kjølv Egelands hus, Aud. E-102 (see map). Use the entrance West, Kristine Bonnevie’s vei. Physical attendance is the main form of presentation. For special cases, virtual presentation can be arranged.

Join our technical tour.

Join us for the technical tour to Norwegian Petroleum Museum on Thursday, November 30.

Norwegian Petroleum Museum in Stavanger shows how offshore operations have become Norway’s most important industry, and gives you experiences of this activity.

Conference excursion

Conference participants have the option to participant on a Fjord Cruise to Lysefjorden with a brand new all-electric boat with a large sun deck. Price: NOK 725,-

The conference covers a wide range of topics in the field of engineering.

  1. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
  2. Advanced Computational Methods and Applications in Marine, Subsea and Offshore Technology
  3. Computational Mechanics and Structural Integrity
  4. Structural Safety, Integrity Management and Life Extension of Structures
  5. Cold Climate Region Technology
  6. Materials, Corrosion and Battery Technology
  7. Smart Operations and Maintenance
  8. Design Optimization, Additive Manufacturing Technologies & Applications
  9. Smart Energy Storage, Integration and Utilization

More information is available here

All accepted papers in this conference will be published by IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE).

IOP MSE is approved by the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (Level 1).

Online ISSN: 1757-899X, print ISSN: 1757-8981.

Indexed by, among others: Ei Compendex, CNKI, CPCI/ ISTP, Inspec, JST, EBSCO Discovery Service, Google Scholar, etc.

Click here for author guideline for preparing manuscripts.

The UiS campus at Ullandhaug is reserved as the conference venue in Stavanger.

Flyfoto av campus Ullandhaug

With its population of 200 000, Stavanger is the city that combines the amenities of large urban areas with the warmth of old timber houses and green and open spaces. Our city is only a short distance from the breath-taking outdoor sites in the Southwest of Norway, such as Pulpit Rock.

More information about the Stavanger region (external website).