Volda 17th – 20th March 2025

Creativity and theorizing – within and beyond PhD research
In his 2016 article “Before theory comes theorizing or how to make social science more interesting", sociologist Richard Swedberg presents a line of argumentation that carries (at least) two implications for PhD candidates’ research: 1) The theory used in one's research should not be viewed as static, but dynamic. The theory generators must have generated the theory with the help of some empirical material, and in this process, even prominent theory generators could be (partly) wrong. Thus, PhD candidates should not be required simply to ‘obey’ established theoretical concepts as authoritative objects from the “great men of theory” (to use a phrase from grounded theory founders Glaser and Strauss), but should be allowed to engage with and criticize existing theory within their respective fields of research. 2) Depending on how the concept of theory is defined, PhD candidates should be encouraged to theorize creatively on their own, at least if they have the drive and ambition to do so. However, as Swedberg has pointed out, for most researchers, theorizing requires the training of theorizing skills.
Following this line of thinking, during the PROFRES Spring symposium in Volda 17-20 March 2025, we will examine prospects for theorizing within the PhD and beyond. A second topic for the symposium is supervision in the PhD trajectory and the supervisor-candidate relationship. Both topics will be highlighted in lectures, group discussions and practical tasks.
Preliminary programme
NB! May be subject to minor changes

- 11:30 Bus from the hotel to campus
- 12:10 Bus from the airport to campus
- 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch in the canteen
- 13.00 – 13.15 Welcome and introduction by Director of PROFRES, Birgitta Haga Gripsrud, Professor UiS. Room: Vekselstrøm.
- 13.15 – 14.45 How to survive as a Ph.D. student by Silje Fekjær, Professor OsloMet. Room: Vekselstrøm.
- 14.45 – 15.00 Coffee break
- 15.00 - 16.00 Methods of theorizing: On the role and practice of theorizing in social science by Mikael Carleheden, Professor, Københavns Universitet. Room: Vekselstrøm.
- 16.00 Bus to the hotel
- 17.30 – 18.45 Philosophical salon with PROFRES Chairman James McGuirk, Professor VID, in the hotel lobby
- 19.00 Dinner at the hotel
- 08.30 Transport to campus
- 09.00 – 12.00 Theorizing and the PhD by Mette Andersson, Professor UiO, and Anders Vassenden, Professor UiS. Room: Vekselstrøm (coffee break included)
- 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch in the canteen
- 13.00 – 15.45 Abduction in research on professions by Iddo Tavory, Professor New York University. Room: Vekselstrøm (coffee break included)
- 16.00 Bus to the hotel
- Dinner suggestions Ørsta: Tandoori Mix, Tik Café and Restaurant, Det Lille Napoli.
- Dinner Suggestions Volda: Brør bar og bistro, Tredet.
- Suggestions for physical activity: Swimming in Voldabadet 17-20 or indoor climbing in Ørstahallen 17-21.
- 08.30 Transport to campus
- 09.00 Introduction to Work in progress by Birgitta Haga Gripsrud. Room: Folkelivet.
- 09.15 – 12.00 Work in progress. Seminar rooms.
- 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch in the canteen
- 13.00 – 14.00 After Work in progress / own work. Recommended rooms: Folkelivet, Tilskodaren.
- 14.00 – 14.15 Coffee break
- 14.15 – 15.15 Candidates’ corner. Room: Skildringa. / Staff meeting. Room: Granskinga.
- 15.30 Bus to the hotel
- 17.45 Bus departure from the hotel to dinner venue
- 08.30 Transport to campus
- 09.00 – 11.45 Research and discussion on supervision in the PhD by Rune Krumsvik, Professor UiB. Room: Vekselstrøm (coffee break included).
- 11.45 - 12.00 Summary of the symposium by Birgitta Haga Gripsrud
- 12.00 Grab and go
Organizing Committee: Professors Silje Louise Dahl, Kjartan Leer-Salvesen and Ådne Meling, Volda University College, Norway
Administrative advisors: Camilla Melhuus Line, Øyvind Nystøl, University of Stavanger and University of Agder