The MOFSORBMET project is developing MOFs for the adsorption-enhanced recovery of critical metals from the primary (mining) and secondary sources (e-waste). Our initial focus is the metals for batteries and the sustainable recovery of resources from battery waste.
Sachin Maruti Chavan
Research Council of Norway

A low carbon future relies on the share of clean energy technologies (Solar PV, wind, geothermal, hydro battery) in the energy sector. These clean energy technologies are mineral intensive and with its growth, demand for critical metals (Li, Co, REE, and Pt etc.) is growing exponentially. Therefore, increasing the recovery and recycling of critical metals offers a double win, securing metal supply for clean energy development and reducing the environmental impact from mining and waste pollution.
The main idea of our project MOFSORBMET is to develop MOFs for the adsorption-enhanced recovery of critical metals from the primary (mining) and secondary sources (e-waste). We aim at decreasing the load of chemicals and energy while improving the recovery and recycling processes. Our initial focus is the metals for batteries and the sustainable recovery of resources from battery waste. We aim to demonstrate recovery of lithium and cobalt from two different sources with recovery over 90% and purity over 95% in three and a half years of the project duration.
To meet this new challenge, a team of experts in material synthesis, metal recycling, materials physics, computational chemistry and organic chemistry domains was consolidated. We aim at developing current technology to a higher readiness level (technology readiness level 2 to 4).
Project team
Advisory board
Prof. Pascal D. C. Dietzel, University of Bergen
Dr. Roberto Fernández de Luis, BCMaterials Spain
Ass. Prof. Mark Foreman, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
Prof. Emmanouil Manos, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Greece