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Faculties and Divisions
Museum of Archaeology
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Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
National Centre for Reading Education and Research
Knowledge Centre for Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Department of Education and Sports Science
Department of Early Childhood Education
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Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
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Adrian Johansen Rinde
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Adrian Kristinsønn Jacobsen
PhD Candidate
Agnes Wigestrand Hoftun
PhD Candidate
Aina Kristine Jenseg Fiskå
Assistant Professor
Alexandre Dessingué
Allen Clarence Jones
Associate Professor
Anders Magne Andersen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Andreas Benedikt Jager
Animesh Chatterjee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anita Berge
Head of Department
Anita Stokkeland Øen
Assistant Professor
Anna Økstra
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Annam Azeem
PhD Candidate
Anne Karin Fotland
Assistant Professor
Anne Kristin Odland
University College Teacher
Anne Kristine Solberg Runestad
Associate Professor
Anne Reiher
University College Teacher
Anne-Sophie Hufer
PhD Candidate
Aster Hoving
PhD Candidate
Aud Torill Meland
Associate Professor
Barbara Maria Sageidet
Beate Gilje Tumyr
Associate Professor
Bente Gurine Kvitvær Nordmo
Associate Professor
Bjørn Kvalsvik Nicolaysen
Brita Strand Rangnes
Associate Professor
Carl Cato Wadel
Associate Professor
Caroline Eltervåg
Catharina Petronella Johanna van Trijp
Associate Professor
Cecilie Skram Gil
Assistant Professor
Charlotte Alexandra Wrigley
Dagmar Anita Jakobsen
Associate Professor
Daniel Aspnes Kristiansen
Assistant Professor
Daniel Joe Bowman
Postdoctoral Fellow
David Albert Natvig
Associate Professor
David-Alexandre Thomas Wagner
Associate Professor
Dina Lialikhova
Associate Professor
Dmitrijs Porsnovs
PhD Candidate
Dolly Jørgensen
Elin Kirsti Lie Reikerås
Elisabeth Barstad
Associate Professor
Elisabeth Bjørnsson Bø
PhD Candidate
Elsa Helen Kaltvedt
Assistant Professor
Enrico Pollarolo
Assistant Professor
Eric Dean Rasmussen
Associate Professor
Espen Iden
Assistant Professor
Eva Marianne Johansson
Eva Stina Maria Jakobsson
Fartein Valen-Sendstad
Finn Arne Jørgensen
Fiona van Schaik
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
francesca Granone
Associate Professor
Gabriele Lauterbach
Postdoctoral Fellow
Geir Skeie
Gitte Westergaard
Associate Professor
Greta Brodahl
Associate Professor
Gunnar Magnus Eidsvåg
Gunnar Tore Nerheim
Hadle Oftedal Andersen
Hallgjerd Byrkjeland
Associate Professor
Hans Borge
Associate Professor
Hege Hervik
Assistant Professor
Helga Vössing-Lahmeyer
Assistant Professor
Henriette Hanky
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Ine Larsen Måneby
Assistant Professor
Inge Særheim
Inger Benny Espedal Tungland
Associate Professor
Inger Frøyland Riska
Assistant Professor
Ingrid Nielsen
Ingrid Rusnes
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Ingunn Berrefjord Ugelstad
Associate Professor
Ion Patrick Francis Drew
Jacob Lee Tom
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Jan Kristian Hognestad
Jane Haug Skjoldli
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Janne Stigen Drangsholt
Jannike Lyngtun
Assistant Professor
Jarle Sæbø
Assistant Professor
Johana Evelyn Montalvan Castilla
Associate Professor
Johannes Ellingsen
PhD Candidate
Jon Skarpeid
Associate Professor
Jon Øgaard Schjelderup
Assistant Professor
Jonas Fossli Gjersø
Associate Professor
Jonas Taudal Bækgaard
PhD Candidate
Jonas Velde
Assistant Professor
Karen Synnøve Fagerland
PhD Candidate
Kari Guttormsen Hempel
Karina Fagerland Sjursen
Student Assistant
Karoline Schiølde Johansen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Katarzyna Anna Tunkiel
Associate Professor
Katla Cortsen Brandt
PhD Candidate
Kenneth Solberg-Harestad
Student Assistant
Ketil Knutsen
Kirsten Halle
Kirsten Johnsen
Assistant Professor
Kjersti Gjerde Brekklund
Assistant Professor
Kjersti Lønning Velde
Assistant Professor
Kjersti Nesheim
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kjetil Vikhamar Thengs
Head of Department
Klaus Johan Myrvoll
Kristian Steinnes
Kristin Fugelsnes
Associate Professor
Kristin Grøsvik
Associate Professor
Ksenia Solheim
Associate Professor
Laila Maria Fredriksson
Associate Professor
Lars Yngve Rosell
Associate Professor
Lea Marie Maison
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Lene Tjørhom
University College Teacher
Lisbeth Iversen
Assistant Professor
Liv Ingeborg Tengesdal
Malin Kristine Graesse
Postdoctoral Fellow
Margrethe Jernes
Associate Professor
Maria Dardanou
Associate Professor
Marianne Hafnor Bøe
Marianne Larsen Undheim
Associate Professor
Marianne Ree
Associate Professor
Marie-Theres Fojuth
Associate Professor
Mariella Annika Asikanius
Associate Professor
Marit Alvestad
Marius Rognstad
Assistant Professor
Markus Eldegard Mindrebø
Associate Professor
Mathias Helmut Urban
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Matthew Robert Holmes
Postdoctoral Fellow
Melina Antonia Buns
Associate Professor
Merethe Rage Aasvold
Assistant Professor
Merja Riitta Stenroos
Monika Kamola
PhD Candidate
Nadine Kolb
Associate Professor
Nancy Marie Wood
Assistant Professor
Narve Dolve
Associate Professor
Nils Christian Fossdal
Associate Professor
Olav Bjarne Håberg
Assistant Professor
Olav Tysdal
Oliver Martin Traxel
Ove Bergersen
Associate Professor
Peder William Chellew Roberts
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Per Einar Sæbbe
Associate Professor
Peter Paul Ferry
Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland
Associate Professor
Roald Berg
Runar Vathne
Assistant Professor
Rune Frestad
University College Teacher
Sara Esmaeeli
Associate Professor
Sigrid Sandemose
Assistant Professor
Silje Trym Mathiassen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Stine Elisabeth Vik
Associate Professor
Ståle Gundersen
Associate Professor
Synne Kristin Nese Skarsaune
Associate Professor
Synnøve Eikeland
Assistant Professor
Thomas Hammerø Lund
Assistant Professor
Tor Thorvaldsen
Assistant Professor
Torbjørn Waaland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Torill Irene Hestetræet
Assistant Professor
Torstein Unstad
Assistant Professor
Tove Erna Belland
Assistant Professor
Trude Iversen
PhD Candidate
Tuula Helka Sarvas Skarstein
Associate Professor
Tyson Ashley Retz
Associate Professor
Unni Puntervold Pereira
Assistant Professor
Vidar Fagerheim Kalsås
Associate Professor
Vigdis Eidsvåg
Assistant Professor
Wenche Elisabeth Thomassen
Associate Professor
Yulia Osovtsova
PhD Candidate
Yvonne Wilhelmina Henriette Van Baal
Associate Professor
Åge Hultgren
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Aashima Budal
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS