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National Centre for Reading Education and Research
Knowledge Centre for Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Department of Education and Sports Science
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UiS School of Business and Law
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Department of Education and Sports Science
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
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Aksel Leknes
PhD Candidate
Alberto Danilo Garcia
Aleksandar Bozic
Associate Professor
Aleksander Hagen Erga
Alessandro Falcetta
Associate Professor
Alina Silitrari
PhD Candidate
Amalie Sehested Rom
PhD Candidate
Anastasia Hanukaev
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset
Associate Professor
Anders Vassenden
Andrea Csaszni Rygh
PhD Candidate
Andreas Håheim
Assistant Professor
Andreas Åvitsland
Associate Professor
Ane Lyngstad Oltedal
Assistant Professor
Angela Subedi
PhD Candidate
Anita Tyskerud
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Ann Cecilie Løvberg
Higher Executive Officer
Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo
Associate Professor
Ann-Karin Tennås Holmen
Anna Drangeid Risholm
Anna Karin Elisabet Rylander Eklund
Adjunct Associate Professor
Anne Helliesen
Head of Administration
Anne Ingeborg Apeland Svalastog
Associate Professor
Anne Katrine Folkman
Associate Professor
Anne Marit Alvær Johansen
PhD Candidate
Anne Nevøy
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Anne Torunn Sirevåg
Anne-Sofie Engelschiøn
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Annie Haver
Associate Professor
Arne Jakobsen
Arve Lerum
Atle Mjåtveit
Associate Professor
Aud Berggraf Sæbø
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Ayan Abdi Mohamoud Handulle
Associate Professor
Barbara Malgorzata Waloszek
PhD Candidate
Benjamin Ronald Silvester
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Benjamin Waldejer
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Berit Aarrestad
Associate Professor
Bianca Alighieri Luz Monteiro
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Bianka Anna Karshikoff
Associate Professor
Bjørn Christian Borg
Assistant Professor
Bjørn-Tore Blindheim
Associate Professor
Bjørnar Kjellstadli
Assistant Professor
Brita Gjerstad
Associate Professor
Briten Russdal-Hamre
Associate Professor
Britt Ingunn Misund
Associate Professor
Carina Antonia Hallin
Adjunct Associate Professor
Carl Chineme Okafor
Carlo Michael Knotz
Associate Professor
Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
Associate Professor
Cato Horpestad Slettvold
PhD Candidate
Cato Tveit
Assistant Professor
Cato Wittusen
Cecilie Larsen
PhD Candidate
Cecilie Waallann Brown
Associate Professor
Cecilie Aarøe
PhD Candidate
Christina Maria Toogood
Assistant Professor
Cille Hagland Sevild
Cornel Maria Nesseler
Associate Professor
Dag Osmundsen
Assistant Professor
Dag Ove Granås Hovdal
Associate Professor
Dag Torvanger
Assistant Professor
Daniel Elijah Scheiene
Student Assistant
Dawid Robert Cetnarowski
Executive Officer
Dian Liu
Associate Professor
Eden Begna Gobena
Postdoctoral Fellow
Eleni Damopoulou
PhD Candidate
Eli Flatekval
Assistant Professor
Eli Karine Vik Klungre
Assistant Professor
Eli Marie Hoftun Kvæstad
Higher Executive Officer
Elin Austbø Simonsen
Assistant Professor
Elin Merethe Oftedal
Elin Nordbø
PhD Candidate
Elisabeth Enoksen
Associate Professor
Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen
Ellen Jenny Torgersen Ravndal
Associate Professor
Ellen Karine Ersland
Higher Executive Officer
Enes Sari
PhD Candidate
Erik Dallakyan
PhD Candidate
Erik Gagné Knudsen
Head Engineer
Erik Lerdahl
Erik Paulsen
Associate Professor
Espen Lunde
Assistant Professor
Espen Mathiesen
Associate Professor
Espen Sagen
Espen Tønnessen
Esther Eradajaye
Associate Professor
Eva Julie Johanne Næsheim
Assistant Professor
Eva Leibinger
Associate Professor
Eva-Maria Reich
Associate Professor
Evelyn Sandøy Ottesen
Associate Professor
Ezgi Pehlivanli Kadayifci
Postdoctoral Fellow
Federica Clementi
PhD Candidate
Finn Martinsen
Assistant Professor
Francesco Margoni
Associate Professor
Fredrik Dahle Vedholm
PhD Candidate
Frode Fanebust
Assistant Professor
Frode Skarstein
Associate Professor
Gaute Hovtun
Associate Professor
Gaute Sørensen Schei
Associate Professor
Gerd Lise Midtgaard Nilsen Nordbotten
Associate Professor
Gro Ellen Mathisen
Gro Næsheim-Bjørkvik
Gro-Helen Østby Rike
Gunnar Thesen
Gunnveig Toft Bjørndal
Assistant Professor
Gølin Christine Kaurin Nilsen
Associate Professor
Hallgeir Skretting
Hande Eslen Ziya
Hanne Egenæs Staurseth
Associate Professor
Hans Eirik Voktor
Hans Erik Bugge
Associate Professor
Hans Geir Aasmundsen
Associate Professor
Harry Lewis Lawford
Higher Executive Officer
Heidi Lie Eriksen
Associate Professor
Heidi Victoria Skeiseid
Associate Professor
Hein Berdinesen
Associate Professor
Helga Hiim Stålhane
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Helle Sjøvaag
Hildegunn Kalviknes Tessmann
Assistant Professor
Hulda Mjøll Gunnarsdottir
Associate Professor
Huseyin Arasli
Håkon Lund
Assistant Professor
Håvard Myklebust
Associate Professor
Ida Bruheim-Escobar
Associate Professor
Ilghar Azarmanesh
PhD Candidate
Ingeborg Knævelsrud
Associate Professor
Ingeborg Opheim Vinge
Assistant Professor
Inger Cecilie Rise
Assistant Professor
Ingjerd Jevnaker Straand
PhD Candidate
Ingri Dommersnes Jølbo
Associate Professor
Ingrid Hilmer
PhD Candidate
Ingrid Lene Aasen
PhD Candidate
Ingunn Studsrød
Ingunn Tollisen Ellingsen
Ingunn Øyre
Assistant Professor
Jan Erik Karlsen
Jan Otto Jacobsen
Associate Professor
Janne Fauskanger
Janne Tjensvoll Stangeland
Assistant Professor
Jarle Stormark
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Jeanette Goa
Senior Executicve Officer
Jenny Furevik Riise
Higher Executive Officer
Jens Kaae Fisker
Associate Professor
Jinghua Xie
Joakim Jiri Haaland
Assistant Professor
Jon Børre Benjaminsen
Assistant Professor
Jonathan Crabtree Parker
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Jone Ravndal Bjørnestad
Jorunn Mathy
PhD Candidate
Joseph Francis Doolen
PhD Candidate
Julia Doksæter Horn
Assistant Professor
Julia Franziska Köhler-Olsen
Julia Vigdal Esperås
PhD Candidate
Julide Ceren Ahi
University College Teacher
Jure Gombač
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Jyoti Bhardwaj
Higher Executive Officer
Kai Victor Myrnes-Hansen
Karen Aniela Aarre
Assistant Professor
Kari Riste
Senior Executicve Officer
Kari Søndenå
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Kari Vestbø
Assistant Professor
Kathrine Skoland
Associate Professor
Kenn Steger-Jensen
Ketil Fred Hansen
Kim Iren Kroken
Assistant Professor
Kjersti Melhus
Assistant Professor
Kolbjørn Kallesten Brønnick
Kristian Skagen Ekeli
Kristiane Marie Fjær Lindland
Associate Professor
Kristin Halvorsen Tungland
University College Teacher
Kristina Johansen
Associate Professor
Kristina Nilsson Lindstrøm
Associate Professor
Kristine Gilje
Kristine Marie Olsen
Associate Professor
Lars Andre Nysæther
Associate Professor
Lars Ingvar Bergkvist
Lars Rune Waage
Head of Department
Lea Marie Sasse
PhD Candidate
Leif Selstad
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Lene Myong
Lidia Cangiano
Assistant Professor
Lilla Magyari
Associate Professor
Linda Elisabeth Bjørknes
Assistant Professor
Linn Anne Margrethe Normand
Associate Professor
Lise Rusdal
PhD Candidate
Liss Gøril Anda-Ågotnes
Associate Professor
Liv Jorunn Baggegård Skippervik
Associate Professor
Liv Sunnercrantz
Associate Professor
Live Kolstad Kvalsvik
Lukasz Andrzej Derdowski
Associate Professor
Magda Hognestad
Senior Adviser
Magne Ivar Drangeid
Associate Professor
Magne Ove Rogne
Maja Brandt Andreasen
Postdoctoral Fellow
Maren Sagvaag Retland
Assistant Professor
Margareth Pollestad
Assistant Professor
Margrethe Sønneland
Associate Professor
Mari-Ann Letnes
Associate Professor
Marianne Gjerlaugsen
Senior Adviser
Marianne Sandvik Tveitnes
Associate Professor
Marie Christine Lundberg
Marie Lunde
PhD Candidate
Marie Smith-Solbakken
Marieke Gerdien Bruin
Associate Professor
Marita Kallesten Brønnick
PhD Candidate
Marita Wassbakk
PhD Candidate
Marte Tonning Otterlei
Associate Professor
Marthe Hatle Bjørnnes
Assistant Professor
Mathias Klitgård
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
May-Britt Syltern Nerland
University College Teacher
Merete Hagen Helland
Associate Professor
Merete Hermansen Jonvik
Associate Professor
Merete Sønsterud
Mert Ünür
PhD Candidate
Mette Irene Hvalby
Associate Professor
Mikhail Gradovski
Milica Savic
Mira Aurora Marlow
Associate Professor
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Mojca Vah Jevšnik
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
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