Organizes seminar on the future of quality and safety in healthcare

SHARE – Center for Resilience in Healthcare is hosting an international seminar titled “The future of quality and safety in healthcare – emerging topics and possible solutions” at Ydalir Campus Hotel.

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The seminar will be held on November 21. Gathering world leading researchers, national experts and policy makers in a mix is very inspiring, according to Siri Wiig, who is SHARE’s centre director. She is a professor of quality and safety in healthcare systems at Department of Quality and Health technology at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

“They bring diverse perspectives and backgrounds to the table and will give us food for thought about the future of quality and safety in healthcare – where are we and where are we aiming. I’m delighted that they all said yes to talk at our seminar,” states Wiig.

She encourages more people to register because this is a unique opportunity to meet researchers and practitioners in the region and to learn from the best, and expects a full house in light of excellent speakers.

Read more about the program and registration here.

Four smiling women
From left: Siri Wiig, Lene Schibevaag, Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland and Inger Johanne Bergerød are excited about the upcoming seminar at Ydalir Campus Hotel. Photo: Eigil Kloster Osmundsen

How does this event support SHARE’s strategy?

“SHARE’s strategy emphasizes our position as internationally leading in the field of quality and safety in healthcare. This seminar puts the future challenges on the agenda, and we are continuously pushing the boundaries of knowledge, hence we need to engage speakers and invite people to meet and discuss. These types of events characterize some of the activities that we do in our centre by engaging different stakeholders and getting their perspectives and then trying to focus our research to solve future emerging risks and challenges,” answers Wiig.

Presentation from an internationally recognized professor

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is Founding Director of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Director of the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science and Professor of Health Systems Research at Macquarie University. He was recruited as an adjunct professor (professor II) at SHARE during COVID. The professor is a leading health services and systems researcher with an international reputation for his work investigating and contributing to systems improvement. He is giving a presentation titled “The future of quality and safety in healthcare – emerging risk and challenges”.

Smiling man with glasses and tie
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is giving a presentation titled "The future of quality and safety in healthcare - emerging risk and challenges". Photo: private

“I have been researching in this area for around a decade and it will be interesting to see how we can promote knowledge and a discussion amongst colleagues in the Norwegian context regarding the future of healthcare,” says Braithwaite.

A key takeaway in his presentation is that the future is not guaranteed, and things are changing, including technology and clinical practices. This occurs very rapidly, so it is hard to keep up with all the developments. Braithwaite points out that we can learn from the present and try to create a better health system in the future through our research and ideas.

Praises the international cooperation

“I was delighted to have been appointed as an adjunct professor at SHARE. My own Research Institute and the SHARE group are very close colleagues and exchange staff often. People from Norway come to see our Institute, work with us and learn about the Australian health system, and my staff from the Institute here in Sydney, Australia go to SHARE and learn from the SHARE staff about their research, and about the Norwegian health system. It is very mutually beneficial,” states Braithwaite.

Is there any advice you'd give to young researchers and professionals aspiring to make a difference in healthcare innovation and safety?

“The best advice I could give is for people to learn how to be a researcher from many other people. The job of being a world class researcher is a never ending one, and those who do it well are always learning and finding opportunities to learn from others. It really is a privilege being a researcher and a professional in places like SHARE and AIHI,” answers Braithwaite in conclusion.

Text: Eigil Kloster Osmundsen

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