Erasmus+ programme

The UiS is holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and participates in all dimensions of the Erasmus+ programme. Erasmus+ is the central mobility grants programme for outgoing and incoming students of our institution.

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Erasmus+ ICM

Erasmus+ ICM grants for outgoing UiS students and staff are offered either directly through the academic cooperation project, or through the open call website (in Norwegian).

Grants for students and staff are only available through the academic cooperation project. Any open calls will be made available on the call website.

The Erasmus+ programme at UiS

The UiS is holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and participates in all dimensions of the Erasmus+ programme. Erasmus+ is the central mobility grants programme for outgoing and incoming students of our institution.

The UiS sees Erasmus+ mobility as a key component in developing quality in education and in linking education with research and innovation. Mobility not only prepares candidates for future jobs through developing essential 21st century digital, entrepreneurial and basic skills. It also supports learning a comparative perspective on education, culture and the world, which is crucial to ensure inclusion, citizenship and democratic society.

To read more about how UiS organizes Erasmus+ mobility for students and staff, please see the following pages:

  • Erasmus+ mobility in programme countries - European exchanges
  • Erasmus+ mobility in partner countries - International Credit Mobility

The UiS participates as partner in 2 Erasmus Mundus joint degree programmes as a result of initiatives to establish strategic partnerships in international education:

Please visit our Erasmus Mundus web page for further information on our participation and programme information.

The UiS is a partner in a number of cooperation projects in international education co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. Projects are run by academic departments/centres and headed by an academic project manager. Please consult faculty and department/centre web pages for a list of current projects.

European exchanges

Students and staff at the University of Stavanger as well as in partner institutions across the programme countries can benefit from the Erasmus+ grants for learning mobility experiences. The International Office handles all matters of Erasmus+ grant distribution and applications for admission.

Students interested in an Erasmus+ experience at UiS should first contact your local coordinator in the home institution and find out if your institution and UiS are Erasmus+ partner institutions. For more information on Erasmus+ studies at UiS, please see the UiS student exchange pages.

Staff interested in visiting the University of Stavanger for teaching og learning mobility should contact their home coordinator for grants availability and the relevant academic department at UiS and inquire about possibilities for Erasmus+ visits. Further information is available on our staff mobility pages.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Through the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility action we create opportunities for student and staff mobility across the globe.

The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility action aims to lay the foundation for mobility cooperation between programme and partner countries. We have been a part of this since the beginning in 2015, and our current projects include:

Starting from a cultural link between the twin towns of Stavanger, Norway, and Nablus, Palestine, the drama in education academic group uses the Erasmus+ Global option to mutually exchange staff and recruit students to the Drama and Intercultural Communication course every spring semester.

Read about the UIS - An-Najah partnership and results

Through the ECIU network of entrepreneurial universities, we have created an exchange option with Erasmus+ for UiS students to spend one semester at ITESM in Mexico, specifically at campus Querétaro.
Number of grants: 5 students outgoing

Number of grants: 2 staff incoming, 1 staff outgoing

Number of grants: 2 students outgoing, 3 students incoming, 1 staff outgoing, 1 staff incoming

Number of grants: 2 students outgoing, 3 students incoming, 1 staff outgoing, 1 staff incoming

Erasmus Mundus programmes at the University of Stavanger

Starting in 2010, the UiS has developed Erasmus Mundus programmes, and our goal is to expand.

The EMMIR programme is the first African-European Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Migration Studies. EMMIR is a unique study programme focusing on migration through an intercultural approach. It provides profound theoretical skills in migration studies combined with field work in Europe and Africa. It is designed as a multidisciplinary programme that addresses important contemporary issues in an emerging field of study.  EMMIR is jointly run by three African and four European universities, facilitated by a wider network of partners.

Erasmus+ contacts at UiS

Inter-Institutional agreements

Business School: Celine Nygaard
Education: Mona Heimdal
Health Sciences: Magdalena Brekke
Humanities: Mona Heimdal
Performing Arts: Mona Heimdal
Sciences and Technology: Bente Dale
Social Sciences: Celine Nygaard

Student mobility

Inbound mobility to the UiS
Outbound mobility from the UiS

Staff mobility

UiS EURAXESS Mobility Center