Academic writing

Learning how to write academic texts is an important part of being a student. Here you will find useful information and resources to help you get started with your academic writing.

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Classes in academic writing from the library

Are you writing a paper or a thesis, and not quite sure of what it takes to write academically? The University Library can help you with tips on how to create a research question, how to structure your paper, and how to find and use references and citations.

During the semester we offer classes on academic writing. The classes are open to all UiS-students. Most of our classes are in Norwegian, but we also offer some classes in English.

Course calendar: Academic Writing

Basics of Academic Writing:
Illustration of a girl sitting by a desk with a cup of coffee, working on her laptop.

Structure and Language

Do you wish to learn more about the components of a good paper? In this session, you will receive advice about writing academically and developing a good research statement and structure. You will also learn more about how to get started.

This class is for anyone who need help getting started writing a paper in English.

Basics of Academic Writing:
Illustration of a girl sitting by a desk with a cup of coffee, working on her laptop.

How to avoid plagiarism

Do you wish to learn more about the components of a good paper? In this session, you will receive advice about writing academically and developing a good research statement and structure. You will also learn more about how to get started.

This class is for anyone who need help getting started writing a paper in English.

Guidance and help

Usefull resources

Questions about academic writing? Contact: