The PhD programme in Educational Sciences and Humanities encompasses two research disciplines that overlap in some areas, but which also each have their own distinctive characteristics.
Master's degree
Three years
Overview of start-ups and milstones in the PhD programme (pdf).
The PhD programme in Educational Sciencea and Humanities encompasses two research disciplines which partly overlap, but which also have distinct characteristics; Educational Sciences particularly includes research in areas such as childhood and adolescence, learning, teaching, general education and formal education, from kindergarten through to higher education. Disciplines such as pedagogy, didactics, special needs education, sociology, psychology and history are included here. The Humanities encompasse human expressions and living conditions in both the past and present, and focus on subject areas such as history, religious studies, literature and languages. The programme provides room for focused research within one of these subject areas, as well as for interdisciplinary investigations.
Admission requirements
The general conditions for admission are set out in section 2-1 of the University of Stavanger’s PhD Regulations.
In addition, the following requirements apply to admission to the PhD programme in educational sciences and humanities:
- An average weighted grade of B or higher from the (last) two years of the master’s degree
- A grade of B or higher on the master’s thesis
In addition to the formal qualifications, importance will be attached to the quality of the proposed PhD project and relevant academic work.
Applicants who do not meet these formal criteria may exceptionally be admitted on special assessment. Importance will be attached to the academic supervisor’s documented ability to ensure the PhD candidates finish their PhD work. It must be specified how the department/center intends to follow up the PhD candidate and ensure completion.
Courses spring 2025
If you are already a PhD candidate at UiS you can either register in Studentweb or use the application form below in order to apply for these courses.
All external candidates must use the application form and send their paperwork to:
Courses autumn 2025
If you are already a PhD candidate at UiS you can either register in Studentweb or use the application form below in order to apply for these courses.
All external candidates must use the application form and send their paperwork to
Forms and guidelines
Below you will find useful forms which you can download.